Screen capture from the video of the training classes
The LAPRF recently provided funding for two Simunition firearms training classes, each for up to 20 LAPD reserve officers, held in October and November 2014. A video about this training was shown at the Twice a Citizen banquet and is viewable at the LAPRF website.
As the narration explains, “This past year, it was our goal to concentrate on funding the opportunities that really matter to our reserve officers. Assistant Chief Sandy Jo MacArthur asked our Foundation Board to fund firearms training. This additional training, that refreshes and reinforces our officers’ tactical/perishable skills, is training that has not been available due to costs. Two classes were funded and held last year. These training exercises are vital for officer and public safety. We thank all our donors and supporters for continuing to help us meet the needs of our Reserve Corps, and we look forward to building on this essential partnership.”
The video was produced by 911MEDIA. The LAPRF thanks Mark Deitch for personally matching the funds for the production. Watch video.