Sergeant II Cornel Sandoz (second from left), the new OIC of the Reserve Unit
Editor’s note: As we were going to press, Sergeant Sandoz was named OIC of the Reserve Unit, within the Community Outreach and Development Division. We asked him to introduce himself.
My plan for the Reserve Unit is in line with the Department’s strategic plan. My goals are to enhance reserve officer deployment to Patrol divisions, expand the number of reserve officers to supplement our patrol force and continue to increase recruitment efforts of reserve officers.
In 1994, I joined LAPD and, upon graduating, was assigned to “The All-American Division,” 77th Street Area. My other assignments included Area and Central Traffic Division as well as several specialized assignments, such as Special Problems Unit and hype, gang and bicycle units.
In 2005, I was promoted to sergeant. As sergeant, I was assigned to Southeast Area, Metropolitan Jail Division, South Traffic Division, Operations–South Bureau and 77th Street Area. As a sergeant, I’ve been the officer in charge of several units. In 2016, I was upgraded to sergeant II, assigned to Southwest Area, and worked as an assistant watch commander. In 2017, I was selected as a Community Relationship Division supervisor. While at Community Relationship Division, I helped to build bridges between the Department and community stakeholders. Community Relationship Division is now Community Outreach and Development Division, my current assignment.
I’m a military veteran, having served in the United States Coast Guard for eight years (four years active duty and four years reserve duty). I attended schools that emphasized leadership, team building, incident management and critical thinking.
I’m a married father of three sons, one of whom is also an LAPD officer. My wife is an LAPD sergeant.