Assistant Chief’s Message

Over the past two years, our Department has been met with significant challenges in the form of civil unrest and a pandemic. Yet, in these moments of crisis and throughout history, the Los Angeles Police Department Reserve Corps has repeatedly proven itself to be a treasured asset.

Your commitment to duty and service to the City of Los Angeles has allowed our Department to depend frequently on your exceptional support. Whether it’s augmenting patrol operations by conducting foot beats in our city’s high-crime areas, your vital role within Major Crimes or any of the numerous ways you elevate our Department with training and charitable work, it is always your
resilience and unwavering support of the Department and this city that are held in the highest regard.

Now more than ever, our city needs the brave men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department Reserve Corps to bring the same impeccable character and commitment to serving this city that has always enabled our Department to persevere in the toughest of times. I implore you to please serve when you are available. Your sacrifice honors the tradition of service, integrity and dedication that has been permanently embedded in the history of the Reserve Corps. Your Department needs you, your city needs you and your community needs you. Thank you for all that you continue to do, and I look forward to seeing you continue to answer the call.