Reserve Officer Darla Cozzarelli with a young friend, one of the first reserve pictures on Instagram
Los Angeles Police Reserve Foundation on Facebook
The Los Angeles Police Reserve Foundation (LAPRF) first posted on Facebook in 2011 as part of an initiative to raise awareness and tell the story of the LAPD Reserve Corps and to recruit potential candidates. Today, the Facebook page continues to engage with the community. Photo albums provide an archive of pictures from annual galas, Academy classes, in-service training days and special events like the Sunshine Kids and Special Olympics.
LAPD Reserve Officers Facebook Group
There is now a private/closed Facebook group for active, former and retired LAPD reserve officers. It is an independent forum for reserve officers to communicate and share information. When first joining, you will be prompted to indicate your reserve status (active, former or retired) and provide your serial number. This is done so that your eligibility to join the group can be confirmed.
LAPRF on Twitter
On Twitter, the LAPRF engages with local leaders and the community, discussing news and current events that may be of interest to reserve law enforcement officers. The LAPRF thanks Reserve Officer Eric Rose for managing this account. Officer Rose is a crisis communication expert and partner at Englander, Knabe, & Allen.
LAPD Reserve on Instagram
On Instagram, the LAPD Reserve account reaches out to potential reserve officer candidates as part of LAPRF’s reserve recruitment initiative. As you may know, Instagram is all about pictures, so if you have any cool photos (high resolution), let us know. Pictured above is Reserve Officer Darla Cozzarelli, in one of the first photos posted to the Instagram account.