Reserve Exceptional Service Ribbon Reminder

If you received a Reserve Officer of the Year award at the May 2022 gala or at any time in the past for Division/Area, Bureau or Department of the Year, remember that you are eligible to receive the Reserve Exceptional Service Ribbon. As presented in the 2021 Twice a Citizen program book:

“Each year, reserve police officers are recognized by the Los Angeles Police Reserve Foundation (LAPRF) and the Department during the Twice a Citizen award ceremony. To increase the recognition of this honor, Reserve Police Officer Michael Sellars Serial #R2356, Co-President of the LAPRF, Hollywood Area, recommended that the Department create the Exceptional Service Ribbon for the Reserve Officer of the Year.”

The design of the ribbon is based on the Reserve Service Ribbon, with devices added for the Bureau and Department honor, respectively. Officers can wear the ribbon and device for the highest single Reserve Officer of the Year awarded to date. As a commendation ribbon, it should be worn in front of the service ribbons, which include the Patrol, Detective and Reserve Officer ribbons.

To get this ribbon, contact Mel Kennedy at