On his last uniformed shift on October 17, Officer Rose worked on a task force with his partner, Reserve Officer Bernard Khalili.

Officer Rose’s first year working Patrol at West Valley
Editor’s note: Officer Rose posted this on his Facebook account on October 19.
I worked my last shift yesterday as I am officially closing out my 35-year LAPD tenure as a Level I LAPD Reserve Officer. After working over 15,500 hours, the decision to retire was not easy to make as the LAPD is, and will always be, an intrinsic part of my life.
In many ways, I still feel like that little boy who grew up in Canoga Park who dreamt of becoming an LAPD officer after watching Adam-12. I went on my first LAPD ride-along at 17 with Dennis Zine. After being talked out of becoming a full-time officer by my first boss, retired LAPD Chief of Police/State Senator Ed Davis (he thought I would go into politics), I took his advice and chose to become a reserve officer, and I have never regretted it.
I am grateful for all the unique opportunities during my time with the LAPD. The Department has allowed me to do truly remarkable things. I entered as a cadet and was fortunate to be guided through the Academy under incredible leadership from Bob Kellar, Jim Katapodis and Dan Watson. I will never forget the many divisions and assignments I was fortunate enough to work. Over 35 years, I have worked Patrol, CRASH and Vice. I even was lucky to go on loan and be cross-designated with the United States Marshals Service Fugitive Task Force. Only a handful of police departments in the world would have allowed me to do this!
Since my LAPD journey began over three decades ago, I feel fortunate that I have had the opportunity to work with the best and the brightest, who taught me a great deal. I’ve watched LAPD officers lead with grace, empathy and humility. It has been indeed a joy to work with such amazing people. I will never forget my LAPD family and the beautiful friendships I have made, including people like Tom Patterson and Jerry Vergara Jr., who encouraged me on our long Academy runs through the windy and steep hills around Dodger Stadium.
I first hit the streets at age 22 in West Valley Division, and with my baby face, I had more than one person question if I was old enough to be a police officer. I’m grateful to have had Jeri Weinstein and Jack Erickson as field training officers. When they were unavailable, I worked with Ross Gellar, who knew how to make working Patrol enjoyable and exciting.
Retirement is the time to reflect and reminisce, remembering the many wonderful people and moments with appreciation. I can never thank Lou Koven enough for preparing me for the Academy. In addition to the reserve officers I have worked with over the years and who were part of my incredible journey, I would be remiss if I did not thank some of the countless officers I have worked with who made being a reserve truly rewarding. They include Patrick Rudolph (my high school friend), Andy Garcia, Belinda Robinson, Bill Martin, Bob Baker, Bob Organ, Bob Weisz, Bud Mehringer, Craig Crosby, Dan Hoffman, Damian Gutierrez, David Buck, Dean Haynes, Debbie Ginther, Donald Matthew, Erik Solter, Gene Leary, Glen Jackson, Harry van Vorce, Heidi Stoecklein, Jill Niles, Joel Price, John Mann, John Mardesich, John Schiffner, Jon Darrah, Jon Krulac, Joseph Kalyn, Kris Pitcher, Kristi Kae Sandoval Eckard, Larry Capra, Larry Dolley, Megan Aguilar, Michelle Lane Blizzard, Mike and Ingrid Braun, Mike Grasso, Mitzi Fierro, Mona Knight, Paul Arnold, Paul Weber, Peter Vanderburgh, Rick Webb, Robert Oregon, Roger Mossett, Ruby Flores, Russell Long, Sara Faden, Steve Gordon, Steve Park, Steve Whitelaw, Suzi Carnahan, Suzy Calderon-Frank, Teddy Gonzales, Tony Valadez, Theresa Gordon and Tyler Izen.
Thank you to those I may have forgotten and worked with over the last three decades and all the sworn and civilian LAPD personnel, like Alan Skobin and Gloria Grube, whom I had the pleasure of knowing and working alongside. Not a day goes by that I do not appreciate their work for the community and, more importantly, for keeping me safe while I was working.
As I look back, I can say that I have always served with passion during every moment of my journey. I am grateful to have had this “second career,” and I’m glad to remain a part of the great LAPD family even as I retire my uniform.
#R1531, end of watch!

Deputy Chief Blake Chow thanked and congratulated Officer Rose on his last shift.